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Poderes de Celestial desvelados

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Vie 02 Oct 2009, 09:28

Por ahora solo el end builder, pero que end builder!!
Un end builder dedicado a healers (Fuente)


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Radiance

Energy Builder

Energy Generation, Ranged Dimensional Damage, Heal Ally
Radiance fires bolts of dimensional energy at your target, healing your friends and destroying your foes.

  • If targeting foe: Single target dimensional damage
  • If targeting ally: Heals target
  • Generates energy
  • If targeting ally: Only generates energy if damage is healed


  • Convergence - Radiance gains a 20% chance to chain
    to a secondary target. The chain will have the opposite effect: An
    attack will chain a heal to a nearby friend; a heal will chain an
    attack to a nearby enemy.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Rebuke

No Requirements

Charged Ranged Dimensional Damage, Charged Heal
Call upon dimensional forces to judge your target, healing your friends and destroying your foes.

  • If targeting foe: Single target dimensional damage
  • If targeting ally: Heals target


  • Increases the damage or healing and energy cost of the Tap effect


  • Admonish - If fully charged, stuns targets around your primary target


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Imbue

Requires 1 power from Celestial or 2 non energy building powers from any framework

On-Next-Hit Effect
By imbuing yourself with dimensional energies you are able to increase the efficacy of the next power you use.

  • Increases the damage or healing of the next ability used.


  • Illusive - The next power you use after Imbue will generate less threat.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Illumination

Requires 1 power from Celestial or 2 non energy building powers from any framework

Targeted Buff, Targeted Debuff
Illumination places healing energies around your target, aiding your allies in their fight.

  • If targeting foe: Places Illumination on your target. Any hero
    attacking the target will receive the Mend buff, healing them over time.
  • If targeting foe: The debuff has a 5 minute duration.
  • If targeting ally: Places Illumination on your target. When the
    affected ally takes damage they will receive the Mend buff, healing
    them over time.
  • If targeting ally: The buff has a 30 minute duration.


  • Brilliance - Illumination becomes a toggle that
    automatically affects targets in a 25 foot sphere around you. The
    Illumination toggle costs energy while active. The Illumination toggle
    can affect, at maximum, yourself, one friend, and one enemy every one


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Conduit

Requires 1 powers from Celestial or 2 non energy building powers from any framework

Maintained Dimensional Damage, Maintained Heal
You become a conduit for dimensional energies, focusing them on your friends or enemies.

  • If targeting foe: Deals dimensional damage to the target
  • If targeting ally: Heals the target
  • Chains to nearby targets of the same type who are affected by Illumination


  • Serenity - A portion of the energy you use to cast Conduit is returned to you if your target is affected by Mend.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Conviction

Requires 1 power from Celestial or 2 non energy building powers from any framework

Self Maximum Health Buff
You are able to temporarily increase your maximum health.

  • Increases your maximum health for a short time


  • Impudence - Conviction becomes an Active Defense.
    The power becomes much more powerful but also gains a 90 second
    cooldown and applies a 30 second cooldown to other Active Defense


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Iniquity

Requires 1 power from Celestial or 2 non energy building powers from any framework

Health Transfer
You are the ultimate healer, transferring health from yourself to your target.

  • Heals target
  • Deals damage equal to the heal to you


  • Justice - Iniquity can now target up to 5 friends
    in a cone in front of you. Iniquity is 10% less effective (per target)
    for each target hit beyond the first.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Redemption

Requires 3 powers from Celestial or 5 non energy building powers from any framework

Your powers allow you to call other heroes back from the brink of defeat.

  • Revives a nearby hero
  • Cannot be used while in combat


  • Salvation - Redemption can now resurrect up to 5 targets within 25 feet of you. Healing received is divided amongst targets resurrected.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Palliate

Requires 3 powers from Celestial or 5 non energy building powers from any framework

Targeted Buff, Targeted Debuff
Calling upon dimensional energies you are able to blast your enemies and heal your allies.

  • If targeting foe: Single target dimensional damage
  • If targeting foe: Decreases your threat to the target
  • If targeting ally: Heals target
  • If targeting ally: Increases Presence of target


  • Absolve - The target of Palliate has their threat wiped and gains stealth for 10 seconds.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Seraphim

Requires 3 powers from Celestial or 5 non energy building powers from any framework

Slotted Passive, Damage and Healing Buff, Energy Form
You are one with the dimensional energies you control enhancing your ability to use them for your will.
Slotted Passive

  • Can be slotted in a Support or Balanced passive power slot
  • Only active while in combat
  • While you are in combat, up to 5 friendly targets within 25 feet of you will receive a small amount of healing over time.
  • Counts as an Energy Form


  • Balance - While you are in combat, up to 5 enemy targets within 20 feet of you will take a small amount of damage over time.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Expulse

Requires 3 powers from Celestial or 5 non energy building powers from any framework

Close Area Effect Damage, Knockback
Using a blast of energy you are able to send any enemies around you flying.

  • Deals damage to all targets in melee range
  • Knockback


  • Impose - All targets knocked back by Expulse are also snared after 2 seconds.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Ascension

Requires 5 powers from Celestial or 8 non energy building powers from any framework

Self Damage and Healing Buff, Flight
You are able to temporarily draw massive energy from other
dimensions, increasing your damage and healing and granting you flight
for a short time.

  • Increases efficacy of all your healing powers
  • Increases damage of all your attacks
  • Grants flight
  • Counts as an Energy Form


  • Judgment – All Illuminations within 25 feet are
    consumed. Friendly targets who were Illuminated are healed. Enemy
    targets who were Illuminated take damage.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados Purge

Requires 5 powers from Celestial or 8 non energy building powers from any framework

Debuff Remove, Buff Remove
Purging a target is able to banish an undesirable effect to far off dimensions, removing it from your target.

  • If targeting foe: Removes a single buff and travel power
  • If targeting ally: Removes all debuffs, damage over time effects, and heal reductions


  • Deliverance - Purge now helps friendly targets break free.

Última edición por PsiLAN el Jue 15 Oct 2009, 10:01, editado 2 veces

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Buck Vie 02 Oct 2009, 09:39

Sobradaaaa.... Poderes de Celestial desvelados 125151


Poderes de Celestial desvelados 311502 ¡¡¡ sobradaaaa !!!

Poderes de Celestial desvelados 907260 ¡¡ SOBRADA INMENSA !!
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars
Clan : Recios...what else? ^^
PJ principal : Adam Kimerik
Antigüedad : 23/06/2008
Mensajes : 5104
Edad : 40

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Vie 02 Oct 2009, 10:16

Primero dependera de cuanto cure, y segundo, evitara que los healers para curar tengan que estar pegando.
Lo malo es que 'obliga' (se ven las comillas?) a que los healers cojan este end builder, pero por lo demas completara un poco ese aspecto de juego que estaba ahora mismo cojo. Hay poderes de heal, si, pero estan dispersos en diferentes frameworks, y siguen gastando una energia que se debe reponer a base de pegar... a mi me mola, ya veremos los numeros.

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Buck Vie 02 Oct 2009, 10:30

En aras de un debate abierto, abstendré de alusiones ¡¡¡¡APOCALIPTICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSS!!!!

Es cierto que hay que ver aún cosillas... pero de momento y basándonos únicamente en ese dato, me parece una ventaja demasiado grande para ese framework en particular.

Todos los end-builder generan energía a base de pegar... independientemente de si el framework incluye alguna clase de poder de curación o no.
Darle a ese framework en particular la 'exclusiva' de tener el único end-builder capaz de hacer tanto curas como daño, provoca una pérdida de equilibrio (desde mi punto de vista y ante los datos que hay).

Por otra parte, es una forma de, por muy poco que cure, mantener una cura constante en un aliado...cosa que actualmente no puede hacerlo ningún otro framework debido a (y volvemos a lo mismo) la necesidad de energía del resto de poderes curativos.

Una excepción a lo dicho podrían ser los drones del framework de gadgets; que una vez invocados curan solitos... pero frente a esa ventaja tienen otros problemas; como el que curan un poco "al azar" a los compañeros y que, si su dueño está por debajo del 90% de vida, se dedican únicamente a curarle a él, dejando de lado a todo lo demás.
Eso, en caso de un mal pull, provoca normalmente que uno de los bichos se dedique a sacudir al curata, los drones se concentren en curarle a él y como resultado nadie cure al tanque; al que le están sacudiendo el resto de bichos.

Habrá que ver el resto de poderes... pero simplemente ese, tal y como están las cosas actualmente, creo que ya da bastante ventaja al personaje celestial frente al resto de clases (concretamente aquéllas capaces de curar).

Aparte de lo anterior, en cuanto a interpretación, obviamente, será necesaria la "abstracción" para aquéllos que quieran ser healers y hacer uso de esa habilidad.
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars
Clan : Recios...what else? ^^
PJ principal : Adam Kimerik
Antigüedad : 23/06/2008
Mensajes : 5104
Edad : 40

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Vie 02 Oct 2009, 10:39

Quizas empecemos a ver end builders alternativos en los frameworks... quizas.

Ciertamente ahora desequilibra el balance de poderes a la hora de escojer un curandero, eso esta claro, no hay color. Por un lado hara atractivo el set, y por otro lado dara una herramienta basica a los curanderos de la que carecian.

El juego lleva apenas un mes y ese era un escollo importante, mas si tenemos en cuenta que el juego es PvE. La direccion me parece la correcta, un end builder para healers, quizas la implementacion no sea la mas adecuada.

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Buck Vie 02 Oct 2009, 10:59

PsiLAN escribió:La direccion me parece la correcta, un end builder para healers


PsiLAN escribió:quizas la implementacion no sea la mas adecuada.


Poderes de Celestial desvelados 813964 espera... si los dos estamos de acuerdo... no hay tanto debate...

Aquí hace falta alguien que lleve la contraria.

A ver si aparece Darkeld...
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars
Clan : Recios...what else? ^^
PJ principal : Adam Kimerik
Antigüedad : 23/06/2008
Mensajes : 5104
Edad : 40

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Vie 02 Oct 2009, 12:32

¿Y si hace una mierda de daño no se equilibraría?
Me parece bien que los curillas no tengan que hacer daño para subir energía, la verdad.

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Vie 02 Oct 2009, 12:38

Los numeros son los que hablaran del equilibrio en ultima instancia, tanto el daño como las curas.

Y desde luego que los curatas lo van a agradecer, ya vereis que contenta se pone Raque cuando se entere ^_^

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Sáb 03 Oct 2009, 01:06

2 poderes mas.

Rebuke: el primer poder de carga, con funcionamiento similar al end builder. Si targeteas a un enemigo le arreas, y lo mismo a un compi le curas.

Imbue: la proxima habilidad hara mas daño o curara mas.

Vamos, que seguimos con la tematica de poderes de utilidad diversa.

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  rocanegra Mar 06 Oct 2009, 09:23

Pues que queréis que diga, me parecen bastante parcos (pobres), seguramente como daño hagan menos que cualquier otro poder (con lo cual subir en celestial será un dolor de buñuelos), aunque eso sí, que todas tus habilidades sean dobles da mucha flexibilidad, aunque ya pueden cuidarse mucho, porque puede quedarse en un "ni chicha ni limoná" o en un "sólo los celestial valen para curar"...

Juego : EVE
Clan : Recios, PvE sin prisas
PJ principal : Rocanegra
Antigüedad : 26/09/2007
Mensajes : 643
Edad : 47

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Mar 06 Oct 2009, 09:39

Las explicaciones del pollo que ha diseñado Celestial:

Hello! I’m Vurt and I created the Celestial power set that will be
available for play during and after the upcoming Bloodmoon event. I’m
putting together this diary to give you guys a sneak peek at what you
have to look forward to and answer your questions about what Celestial
can do.
Celestial is primarily a healing and support power set. Until now
Champions suffered from a distinct lack of variety and potency in its
healing powers and the primary goal of this set was to resolve that.
The other component to the creation of this set is that healing powers
are problematic in a system that allows open power selection; How can
you allow them to be cherry picked and still incentivize in-set
specialization? How can healing be equally interesting in both solo and
group play? Ultimately the desire is for Celestial heroes to be viable
in solo and group play and for the healing component of the gameplay to
be easily accessible and interesting across a variety of investment
Set Features

Dual purposes powers - In its most basic form
targeting enemies and friendlies have different effects with most
Celestial powers. Scope the example below:


  • If targeting foe: Places Illumination on your target. Any hero
    attacking the target will receive the Mend buff, healing them over time.
  • If targeting ally: Places Illumination on your target. When the
    affected ally takes damage they will receive the Mend buff, healing
    them over time.

This power has a similar end result in both cases but works on both
allies and enemies. All of the dual purposed powers are based on this
structure so that the power combinations you create when making your
Hero are valid when healing and dealing damage.
Combinatorial Potency - Celestial powers are often
more potent when used in conjunction with other specific powers from
the set. The best way to explain this is with an example; Check out the
two powers below.


  • Increases your maximum health for a short time



  • Heals target
  • Deals damage equal to the heal to you

These two powers work together in a way such that for nearly no cost
other than two ability activations you can return a significant amount
of health to friendly targets. There are several other power
combinations like this within the set. They aren’t too difficultly
hidden but it’s up to you guys to find them.
That’s enough from me, hope you guys enjoy it and I’ll see you in game. And make sure you check out the Celestial power set as we release all of the powers from it over the coming weeks.


Personalmente lo que mas miedo me da es que sea el framework de los healers. Es decir, que sea la unica forma de ser healer. Eso si que me joderia...

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  Invitado Jue 15 Oct 2009, 10:01

Mensaje inicial actualizado con todos los poderes de celestial.
Ya tenemos todos los poderes, ahora solo faltan ver los numeros y saber que tal ha quedado el invento.

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Poderes de Celestial desvelados Empty Re: Poderes de Celestial desvelados

Mensaje  reybor Jue 15 Oct 2009, 19:57

Ahora solo falta el look wachi estilo si me ves en pvp dame fuerte xd ...
Y el set de poderes curativos y seras el alma de la fiesta xd

Juego : Champions
Clan : Recito de mi corazón...

PJ principal : Reybor.
Antigüedad : 11/10/2009
Mensajes : 24
Edad : 29

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Contenido patrocinado

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