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[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10

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[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 Empty [CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10

Mensaje  Invitado Miér 17 Mar 2010, 10:00


You Say You Want a Revelation

We’re about one week from the launch of Revelation and the response
on the Public Test Shard has been awesome. The development team spent
some time last week playing with the testers and had a great time going
through missions and getting your very direct feedback. We’re spending
the next few days cleaning up those last issues and putting another coat
of polish on Revelation before releasing it on the Live servers. It’s
been a real labor of love for us, and like proud (and tired) parents
we’re ready to send our progeny out into the world. A HUGE thanks goes
out to all our testers for spending so much time on Revelation. You’ve
been instrumental in helping us get all the kinks out and we think that
this is the best content yet in the game.

What’s Next?

As soon as Revelation is Live we’re going to be working on several
fronts simultaneously. Much like the dangerous Stainless Super-Steel
Salad Stabber invented by the super-genius Foxbat, here’s our
multi-pronged plan of attack:

New Missions
The content team has some pretty cool new tools to play with so while
we start stretching our legs with them, it seemed like a great time to
work on some more content to spread throughout the game. We know that
there are a few areas where content is thin, so we’re thickening the
plot, so to speak, with some new missions in specific level bands. As we
get these into the testing phase, we’ll let you know what and where
they are.

Adventure Packs
These are story-driven, themed mission chains playable by heroes at
almost any level. Filled with new content, special rewards, and new
perks, the first one in the queue is called Serpent Lantern. Here’s a
sneak peek!

The Supreme Serpent has long ruled over VIPER and its Council of
Thirty. Envious of the power held by the Supreme Serpent, members of the
Thirty have devised many schemes to wrest control of VIPER from him. In
order to secure his power, the Supreme Serpent has hatched a plot to
recover the ancient lost artifact known as the Serpent Lantern, a
mystical device originally used by the Thirty Founders of VIPER to grant
themselves immortality. Deep in the jungles of Africa in the ancient
Snake Temple of Nama, the Serpent Mages intend to summon the Spirit
Serpent residing inside the Lantern to create a new artifact. With the
Serpent Lantern recovered, the Supreme Serpent can finally bind the
Council of Thirty to an oath of loyalty in exchange for the power of

Super Power Patch
We’re also hitting it hard on the powers and programming side with
our sights set on:

  • Supernatural power set revamp
  • Melee combat mechanics overhaul
  • Passive powers balancing
  • Revelation UNITY missions
  • Numerous Perk fixes

More Changes on the Horizon

We’ve been doing a lot over the past few weeks to be more involved
with the community, change our development processes to better respond
to your feedback, and do whatever we can to continue building Champions
into the game we all want it to be. We’ve made some mistakes along the
way, but I continue to be very proud of the dedication, effort, and love
this team puts into the game. Champions Online is a much more solid
experience than when we launched, and continues to have a great deal of
promise and potential to become better and better in the future. I am
grateful for the support and passion this community has for it.

Shannon Posniewski, or Poz on the forums, is taking over as Executive
Producer on Champions Online as I move to other design responsibilities
within Cryptic Studios. Shannon has been with Cryptic since back in the
“City of” days, is Director of Game Programming, and has been serving
as our lead programmer since before launch. He is an incredible force
for getting things done and is tied into the technology of the game
while having an earnest desire to work with the community and take
Champions to the next level. He’s constantly on the forums, so rest
assured he’s going to see what it is you’re looking for.

I am very proud to have Revelation be the addition to Champions
Online that bridges my departure with the game’s new direction. The
upcoming weeks and months are going to be an exciting time for us all,
and I can’t wait to play what’s next.

See you online, Champions!

to forum post


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[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 Empty Re: [CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10

Mensaje  reybor Miér 17 Mar 2010, 22:37

Va venga, que por la expansión vuelvo a casa por navidad.

Juego : Champions
Clan : Recito de mi corazón...

PJ principal : Reybor.
Antigüedad : 11/10/2009
Mensajes : 24
Edad : 30

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[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 Empty Re: [CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10

Mensaje  Invitado Jue 18 Mar 2010, 09:05

reybor escribió:Va venga, que por la expansión vuelvo a casa por navidad.

[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 543343 [CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 543343

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[CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10 Empty Re: [CO] State of the Game: 03/16/10

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Contenido patrocinado

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