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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 19:16

mas o menos decia que a nivel 20 cambiaba todo, que era muy simple y que a nivel 50 se aburria, o algo asi, en cuanto llegue a casa copypasteo el post.

se quejaba tambien de que las recetas de crafteo eran superiores a las de los drops de los mobs o algo asi... y tambien de que estabas obligado a cojer siempre las mismas profesiones de tu clase... no se, decia muchas cosa, cuando pueda lo pasteo.
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  reiju Mar 29 Nov 2011, 19:19

pues sinceramente no son moco de pavo... como ya he dicho en el otro hilo. Dificultad a nivel 15 era nula, y si la música me pone los pelos de punta y la ambientación me encanta... y la historia me embarga, pero necesito un reto, si no hay reto prefiero leer un libro con la B.S.O original de fondo XD.
Verdugo de Coruscant
Verdugo de Coruscant

Juego : WoW
Clan : Recio
Antigüedad : 29/01/2009
Mensajes : 2311
Edad : 39

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Fordo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 20:20

Es cierto que hasta para un patancete con dedos de goma como yo el juego tiene una dificultad bastante flojilla, pero aún así creo que el reto amplia con el trabajo en equipo, yo he visto algunas misiones de grupo en coruscant complicadillas.

En fin que para gustos colores...

Antigüedad : 26/11/2011
Mensajes : 210
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 20:23

Yo creo que el primer flashpoint (Que a mi me costo 3 o 4 wipes) es mas para conocer el tema de lso social points que para otra cosa, pero no he jugado lo suficiente para saberlo, no puedo enlazar lo que decia el tipo por que no funciona la pagina del swtor, pero vamos, que hacia una argumentacion muy clara, lleva desde el principio de la beta y se ha subido a 3 niveles 50
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Fordo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 20:26

Me imagino que echaba más horas que la suma total de todos nosotros. Yo no suelo hacer mucho caso a los que tardan 10 minutos en subirse el nivel al máximo, principalmente por que yo no puedo hacerlo ni de coña, es como lo de los super builds, al final yo prefiero jugar con las habilidades y equipo que me gustan y le van a la personalidad del keko. Al fin y al cabo es un juego, para ser 100% eficiente y dedicado ya están los trabajos.

Antigüedad : 26/11/2011
Mensajes : 210
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  hyuuga_shi Mar 29 Nov 2011, 20:50

Proteo escribió:las recetas de crafteo eran superiores a las de los drops de los mobs

OU YEAH, le molestará porque si es un hardcore raider lo que quiere es subir a nivel 50 en un día y en 5 min hacer una raid high end y pillarse el equipo así. Lo de farmear y craftear a este tipo de personas no les va. Personalmente yo lo prefiero

Fordo escribió:Me imagino que echaba más horas que la suma total de todos nosotros. Yo no suelo hacer mucho caso a los que tardan 10 minutos en subirse el nivel al máximo, principalmente por que yo no puedo hacerlo ni de coña, es como lo de los super builds, al final yo prefiero jugar con las habilidades y equipo que me gustan y le van a la personalidad del keko. Al fin y al cabo es un juego, para ser 100% eficiente y dedicado ya están los trabajos.

Tio cansino
Tio cansino

Clan : Recios
PJ principal : Silfid
Antigüedad : 09/06/2009
Mensajes : 4605
Edad : 44

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:05

ese post es, si no os logeais no podreis acceder, voy a ver si puedo quitarle el formato y lo copypasteo en un solo post, lso comentarios y la captura de pantalla del first realm kill lo pone en el post original, en una contestacion que da.

Última edición por Proteo el Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:08, editado 1 vez
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:06

I've been a tester since August, and...

I will not be buying The Old Republic

I keep trying to find reasons I should buy TOR, and have expressed this
several times to friends who have also been lucky enough to get into the
beta, but ultimately I simply cannot justify purchasing a
BioWare-flavored mediocre MMO.

TOR gets a lot of things right: Presentation is spot on with superb
voice acting, impressive environments with consistent and thematic art
direction, and even a moderately compelling story line, but it is in no
way a complete or functional game. Almost everything else about TOR is
lacking and incredibly unimpressive, all the way from core class design
to the user interface.

I tried to drink the kool-aid, I really did. I even called friends who
had been in the beta before me out on their negative outlook of the
game, but low and behold, I now feel that they were right all along.

Everything about TOR with the exception of its presentation reeks of
half-baked implementations, shortcuts and complete and utter apathy.
It's actually jarring as you play through the game to see how abysmal
some of the content gets and how lazy the game's production feels. It's
as if TOR has a design document sitting around that's artfully crafted,
filled with ambitious ideas and deep conceptual fervor that was simply
pushed into the waste bin by an EA executive who didn't give a crap
about how good or bad the game is, and only cares about the bottom line.

Despite this, I have played a Guardian, Scoundrel and Mercenary to the
level cap across the 3 builds I've been in the beta, for no other reason
than boredom and ample free time. If I had anything better to do TOR
was invariably put to the wayside, even though I was privileged enough
to play in a beta that thousands of people would have killed to be a
part of.

Total playtime is ~350 hours since I was invited (~3h/day), but most of
that is in quite dense play sessions, followed by extended breaks. I
would ballpark that it takes about 2 weeks of dedicated play to reach
the level cap per build.

"Based on your experience today, how likely would you be to recommend TOR to a friend"

This started as an 8 and briefly jumped to a 10.
Now I usually just close the window.

The game is simply not what its cracked up to be, and Bioware is doing
an incredible disservice to its dedicated fan base by conning all of the
weekend beta testers into seeing the only good content the game offers
up in the first ~20 levels of play, and even then it is rife with bugs
and instability.

If you have reached beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas and ventured into
Taris and Balmorra, this is what the game truly is: Ample wasted space,
long runs, uninteresting story lines, and laden with kill and collect

And without further ado, reasons I will not be buying TOR:

TOR is far and away the least mechanically fun MMO game I have ever played.

This is a bold statement, but I feel it is very justified. Relative to
other games I have played in the MMO genre, TOR does not hold up well,
featuring a myriad of problems with its general gameplay. Everything
from a clunky (and dysfunctional) skill queue to the unresponsive TAB
targeting system, the game simply does not feel like a game of its caliber should.

To its credit, it has actually been getting better over time (there is
no more acceleration on jumping, for example), but it is no where near
the responsive level it should be, and has a staggering amount of small
issues that culminate into a major headache that simply make the game

Off the top of my head, issues that need to be fixed that directly affect playability of TOR:

  • Needless skill bloat on all classes
  • Poorly distributed utility skills (long duration CCs, sunders)
  • Skill queue lockups that prevent skill use entirely
  • The cover system in general, which has devolved to "press a button before you press a button"
  • AOE targeting indicators that are absent or completely unreflective of size
  • Debuff tracking is terrible
  • Lack of [Mouseover] style macros (lack of a macro system in general, but most predominantly this)
  • Reactive buffs not displaying in a useful or intuitive way (i.e.,
    WoW's glowing borders on action bar buttons that indicate a proc)
  • World-clicking in general is a headache (small objects, clustered enemies, companion obscruction)
  • Companion AI is awful (example: not attacking on offensive spell channels and casts, only on instant and reactive events)
  • Nameplates of dead NPCs need to go away unless they are targeted

There are a lot more problems that affect playability that are more case
specific, but that list hits the vast majority of the problems that
make playing the game in general unfun.

Story does not make up for other short comings

"I want to save the story for live, so I won't play my class in beta."

I can't tell you how many times I've read this (or a variation thereof)
on public forums in relation to weekend testing. This statement alone
acknowledges that story is not a sustainable enough part of a game to
make it worthwhile. When it comes to TOR, the story is the only reason
in many cases to slog through the game. People are actively avoiding the
story now so they won't "waste" it for later.

What people don't seem to understand about TOR is that past the first
couple planets, your class story actually fills an incredibly small
portion of the overall content of the game. I would estimate upwards of
85% of the game is recycled every time you play a character of the same
faction. On later planets, it will get to the point that you may
actually forget entirely what is going on in your story quest, as well
as major characters and why they are important.

Repetitive questing content:

The general composition of each planet is pretty simple: they are
divided into sections (usually divided by map segments) where you will
do 1-2 story related quests, and an inordinately high amount of side
content. On lower level planets this is not a very noticeable issue, as
you require less quests to level (The first 2 planets are 1-~18 of 50
levels.) On later planets, this disparity can get staggeringly high. For
example, on Quest, Bounty Hunters have exactly 1 class quest, which
takes about 5 minutes to complete. Literally, 1 class quest for an
entire, although short, planet.

Light/Dark illusion of choice:

The light/dark system is a very poorly conceived system that punishes
you in several different ways while only affecting the story in very
minor ways in most cases:

  1. You will feel obligated to be
    consistent in your choices, and may be forced into situations you
    disagree with if a neutral option is unavailable. Picking lightside when
    at Dark 5 will drop you to Dark 4. There is no buffer at all.
  2. Going the "grey" route is actually not that big of a deal, however
    your character will be completely insane if you try to keep the bar
    between dark and light 1 to access all color crystals
  3. Picking choices you agree with penalizes you the most, as you will
    not have the benefits of a maxed out light/dark scale (relics, cosmetic
    gear) and not be able to use all color crystals.

Because the system is a single scale, there is a huge opportunity cost
associated with picking one choice over another. If I pick a +100 Dark
option, I can miss out on a +100 Light option, meaning I effectively
received -200 Light (assuming that I was going light-leaning) putting me
even further away from my Light V goal... but that guy really needed to

The choices you make in the Light/Dark system are generally frivolous in nature as well.

You picked Dark and killed Darth Superdude!
You picked Light and nobly spared Darth Superdude!
You picked neutral and Darth Superdude was never heard from again.

All roads lead to Rome, as they say.

If this was a non-class quest, and not part of a core planet quest line
(which they all have past Coruscant/DK) it is 99% likely you will never
see or hear from Darth Superdude again except by mail, with a small sum
of currency, provided he didn't die. You'll probably collect a bounty on
him if he did. Again, it's an illusion of choice.

Dark/Light choices outside of class quests are the main offenders of
this as they literally change nothing about the story except the
dialogue you see when you turn them in, or whether or not you
cinematicly strike/shoot/shock someone.

There are some cases in the class story quests I have done where I
wondered "What would have happened if I went Dark instead of Light
here?" but the answer is always the same: I would have just killed a
different named NPC, and the story would have continued in a way that is
consistent with the next step.

The final story quest will sometimes make you want to know what happens
if it plays out a different way, but there is not a single chance I (or
most rational people for that matter) would spend over 100 hours to find
out first hand. Most will just look it up on Google or ask around.
Without the ability to quick save/load like you would in a traditional
Bioware RPG, the player will tent to experience apathy towards the story
instead of being able to go back and actually see the differences.

Grinding, and other tired MMO mechanics

TOR had a huge opportunity to do something fantastic with its game that
has never been done before in any MMO I've had the privileged of
playing: Removing the leveling system entirely. My character could have
progressed through an epic tale, and advanced as a rate reflective of
where I was in the story so all content would be relevant to my
abilities at all times. As new skills were introduced, the game could
provide situations for me to use them and learn how to play my class.
Instead, it opted for the tired XP treadmill that would allow me to
(begrudgingly) kill 500 rats to collect their 200 teeth, because all
rats don't have teeth, and of course they only have 1 each.

Not only are there quests that feature grinding as a core objective,
there are bonus quests to encourage grinding too. The sad part is that
if you actually skip the Bonus kill quests you will fall behind the XP
curve. I had a class quest with a kill 135 bonus quest. This is not an

The XP system is not the only place TOR is just another tired, old MMO. I
sure am glad I have to buy these skill ranks, repair my gear and carry
these vendor purchased crafting materials... Oh, this boss has 800,000
HP and is completely un-threatening? I guess more health means he's
harder. Good thing they removed auto-attack so I have to be here to
perform this completely trivial endeavor.

I seriously don't understand where the disconnect happened between the
community who has been playing other MMOs for years and the BioWare
development team. Did it occur to no one down at that office in Austin
that MMOs have been boring and same-ish, with droves of people leaving
them for quite some now?

No one is asking TOR to re-invent the wheel, but it goes backwards in a lot of places.

A cooldown on resurrection for classes who aren't healers? Somehow, I
feel classes without healers will need to resurrect people significantly
more than those with healers.

There is no summoning mechanic in the most current build (although it
was briefly, and completely non-functionally in a previous one.) Putting
everything on the Fleet or Ilum was a nice touch. It's like
implementing teleporting to dungeons, only lazier.

I can't understand how a company with the Star Wars license wouldn't
push the boundaries of current game design. It astounds me. Being able
to put the words Star Wars on the box for your game not only ensure that
it absolutely will not fail (because if Episodes 1-3 didn't kill it,
nothing will) but look at how big of a turd The Force Unleashed 2 was
and it still sold something silly like 600,000 copies.

Being a hero, and other Anti-MMO ideas

Back at Gamescom '09 when we were first introduced to Hutta and the Bounty Hunter class ( and there is a lot of marketing speak about how classes all feel iconic, and how everyone should feel like a hero.

When it came to class mirroring, the idea of iconic classes was thrown
out the window. Going full auto on someone as a Trooper makes a lot of
sense, but needing to devise a flamethrower alternative falls into a
huge grey area. The concept works fine (mostly) for the force users, but
for the tech classes, it just gets kind of silly.

  • Calling your ship to do a bombing run, or laying down an orbital strike is not iconic.
  • Shooting Kolto darts at people is not iconic.
  • Punching people instead of shooting them because all tanking classes needed to be melee for gameplay reasons is not iconic.

This is simply a matter of gameplay being incompatible with canon, and
forcing the design to fit the gameplay needs. While admirable, this
completely backfired and just turned into a ton of skill bloat and
overlap. When I think of a Trooper and a Bounty Hunter, I feel they
would be similar, but not mirrors, yet the game pushed the square peg
through the round hole anyway.

This is a major design flaw in my estimation. Last time I checked, the
Empire also has troopers, so why couldn't I just play one of those?
Let's pretend they don't have a -100% accuracy modifier... And does the
Republic never work with mercenaries? I can't find any good reasons the
republic can't hire a Bounty Hunter (off the record, of course.)

Then there is the whole concept of being a hero, or feeling heroic in
general, which is honestly just replacing 1 NPC with 3. At no point in
the game does combat feel "heroic", it just annoyed me as a melee class
because I had to run between ranged NPCs to heroically kill 3 weak rats
instead of 1 normal rat.

Everyone who zones into the class phase will kill the same boss, get the
same rewards, be a hero. This is very fitting for a single-player
experience, but makes your story feel extremely hollow in a multiplayer
environment. This is just a fundamental conflict between how an MMO
works, and how a single player game works; ultimately, nothing you do in
an MMO can be important because thousands of other players need to do
it too.

Planets made of phase portals and wasted space

This may be considered more of a minor gripe, but when playing the game
you will notice something on subsequent playthroughs: No phased areas
are used by more than one quest. There are 2 Lightsaber forges on
Tython, one for Knights and one for Consulars, even though they both go
to it to do the same thing. Areas need to be made much larger because of
this, and if the game were able to dynamically place doodads or modify
terrain to accommodate the needs of certain quests the planets would
have much more space to feel less like hallways. TOR's phasing tech is
simply not up to par.

If a hallway requires more phase portals to facilitate more quests, it
gets longer and longer. This snowballs to an insane amount of empty
space required when you have upwards of 60 phased areas on a planet.

This may have been intended to facilitate the "do class quests with your
friends!" feature, but seeing how many flaws it has (inability to see
many conversations, not seeing any conversations that happen outside of
phases) it seems like more of a happy side effect of a poorly developed
system to begin with.

The only quest in the entire game I can think of that actually shares a
phased area is the quest in the ice fortress on Hoth, and even then,
both factions go there to kill exactly the same guy (although the 2
planet stories surrounding the area are completely different.) I imagine
this lone portal as the most technical challenge the phasing system

Companions feel tacked on

I'm going to ignore all technical issues (they can't ride elevators,
they can't jump off ledges, they don't walk through doorways which used
to feature gates/doors, etc.) but pretending they don't exist doesn't
make the annoyance of them go away. We'll also ignore the AI issues
which I alluded to previously in this post.

Companions have a major flaw, where some companions are simply worse
than others, and for the most part the situation genuinely doesn't
matter. This is another fundamental breakdown between the MMO and the
single-player story experience that is TOR. When I play Mass Effect 2 on
Easy, I can use whoever I want, but when I play on Insane, I always use
Miranda. Since TOR only has 1 difficulty level, it doesn't seem like a
good idea to use anything but your best companion at all times, as
content in the world is scaled around having them and they aren't simply
a friendly tag along.

In the current build, it is inadvisable to use anything but the healing
companions as they vastly reduce your overall downtime. In previous
iterations of the system, the tank companions were always the optimal
choice and DPS companions the build before that. The gameplay needs of
the player take precedence over the desire for story variety, as the
companions never truly influence how the story plays out unless the
player modifies their conversational choices to suit their companions
preferences (see: to score affection points.)

There are also companions that are mandatory for certain quests even
though their gear may be 30 levels behind the times, and the order you
acquire certain companions can make some classes harder to play than
others (Warriors get their healer on Balmorra, Knighs on Hoth), or make
crafting far more annoying (Knights have 3 companions at the end of
Coruscant, Agents get their third companion on Alderaan, 4 planets

Ultimately, companions are just pets that you need to fully equip with
currently weapons and armor if you want them be even remotely effective.
They are more of a burden, but are so required because of how gameplay
is designed.

If this were a single player game, and companions had more dedicated
content, they wouldn't feel nearly as tacked on as they do. In Mass
Effect 2 I liked all of my companions and knew all about them because
their content was my content. They became part of my story. Nothing
about TOR companions feels even remotely close to the level of ME2 in
terms of story, and I genuinely feel no attachment to them, I simply
select them by roll, and try to keep them as equipped as possible, while
blissfully ignoring the existence of the other, less useful ones. Once I
hit 50, I just feed them gifts.

There is no reason that large portions of content (both planet and
class) shouldn't be tailored for specific companions conversationally
more so than they are, which would give them all interesting story lines
that don't require you spamming gifts at them, or answering dialogue in
a certain way. I can't think of any reasons not to go fishing through
companion quest dialogue trees for optimal affection points, just to
unlock more companion content faster.

Pretending the companion system isn't flawed (story vs. functionality)
is a bit of a stretch, and as you get higher level the problem only get
worse. The whole system is just lazy which heavily detracts from the
story feel, with the exception of your first (or second) companion who
is well integrated into your class story line.

Itemization is... yeah

It doesn't take a mathematics major to figure out that the stat system
in TOR is inherently flawed. There are stats that add static stats
(class primary stats and power) and stats that add scaling stats (crit,
surge) meaning that there will be a point at which 1 crit will be worth
more than 1 power and vice versa. This will be a math problem, and
moddable items will facilitate these variables fully. The mod system
allows for people to choose stats (including base stats like Aim and
Strength) over stats like Crit and Surge, and I can tell you right now,
without having any numbers or idea how some classes work, that there
will be an optimal solution, and people will min/max the system in as
much time as it takes them to whip together a rough spreadsheet.

Augment slots exacerbate the issue further, as they provide "free" stats
on top of the moddable nature of items. If they just give raid gear
Augment slots no one crafts, and if you don't give raid gear augment
slots, crafting is mandatory. If I can get a raid drop epic and strip
its mods to put them in a craftable item with an augment slot, there
really won't be much variety to the game.

If this is what the final version will be, I almost feel ashamed for the
folks down in Austin for this obvious and major oversight. They may as
well take the stats off of everything and just put a rating on gear if
it remains as it is at current since there will only be one "correct"
way to itemize.

There is basically no endgame!

This is probably the biggest hangup of all as it means that TOR devolves
into nothing more than a single player game with a monthly fee until
there is something worth paying for to progress my character.

I don't want to read some smug idiot posting about how "Molten Core
wasn't in WoW at launch" because it was. Patch 1.1 was the launch patch,
look it up on WoWPedia. Was it buggy? Yes. Was everything in it except
for Ragnaros killable? Yes. WoW also came out in 2004, and is the
reference to what games that want to be taken seriously need to live up
to. I don't care if you love or hate WoW, but I think it's pretty sad if
you're emotionally invested enough in a game to hate it.

In every build so far, endgame has consisted of virtually zero fully
functional content although it is getting more plentiful each build,
with new issues cropping up every build as well. There are daily quests
on Ilum and Belsavis, and 3 level 50 flashpoints that are nearly
functional currently.

Hard mode instances are just scaled up versions of the originals and
blatantly untested. No boss mechanics are different, and the encounters
are extremely hit or miss in terms of difficulty (some are unbeatable
currently.) Based on how poorly most flashpoint content has been
implemented on their initial pass throughout my time in beta, I have
very little faith that the Hard modes will be balanced for live and they
will likely be entirely too simple if what's on the servers now is any

Eternity Vault is buggy. Leaping at a turret on the first trash pull
throws you into space and disconnects you until your raid group kicks
you, leaves the instance, and resets the phase. The second boss desyncs
from the instance and is unkillable without the ability to avoid his
attacks, which is basically the entire fight. I don't know how many
bosses are in the Eternity Vault, but it will be down within 2 weeks,
and all Hard Modes within a month based on what I saw and the fact we
were able to rag-tag together a random pug in greens and beat the first
boss with virtually no information on him in 4 pulls.

Random gripe grab bag

  • Non-moddable crafting is completely useless at the level cap.
    All trainer learned items when fully RE'd to Artifact quality are lower
    rating than the lowest rated Operation drops. All Schematics that drop
    from Ops make Artifact quality gear right away, so the RE system is
    entirely useless in the grand scheme of the game.
  • Space Combat is an afterthought like a fart in the breeze. Although
    it scales up with you as you level, there is nothing challenging or
    notable at the end of the journey. If you level all the way to 50 before
    doing any kind of Space Combat, all but 3 of the missions will be
    painfully simple because of ship upgrades. This still feels like a
    totally half-baked feature and the only reason people will do it is for
    easy, fast, XP while leveling and free credits at the level cap.
  • Skill trees are 100% illusion of choice. There is only 1 right way
    to spend talent points and be effective at your intended role. There is a
    reason WoW is abandoning this terrible design, and it's because you
    might make a total of 2 real choices when filling them out. They are
    also a trap for new or inexperienced players.
  • Total lack of macro support makes things like trinkets and off the
    GCD skills annoying to use as they require individual key presses. This
    makes skills like my "causes next cast to be instant" skill harder to
    use an an emergency than it should be. Why would I use it on anything
    but my biggest heal?
  • There is no LFG tool and every single flashpoint falls between
    planets, meaning that in order to assemble a group you have to wait on
    the fleet stations and hope you randomly find people, stay on the planet
    just before it and wait for people to finish the planet to join you, or
    hope you can catch people at the beginning of the next planet before
    they feel too far in to leave and come back. It is incredibly
    inconvenient to get groups together for flashpoints, and even with
    servers queue'd out to the max for the beta weekend, it is a nightmare
    getting groups for anything but Black Talon/Eseless (which only require 2
    people, and spec doesn't matter at all.) The Hammer is just after
    Coruscant/DK, and it took over 20 minutes to find a healer when we had 3
    people waiting to go. We got him through sending random unsolicited

Final Thoughts

From what I've seen of TOR since August, I could not in good conscience
recommend that people who really want to experience that whole MMO
feeling all over again waste their time on TOR. It brings nothing
meaningful to the table and will be coasting to success on what's left
of Bioware's reputation and the Star Wars license.

People who are excited to leave other MMOs and come play this will only
be disappointed by its endgame offerings, and this will be a giant step
backwards for the MMORPG genre as a whole.

TOR is simply not good enough to pay a monthly fee for.
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:09

Aqui esta el post donde dice quien es en el wow:


Originally Posted by Ebonlore

Also Hard Modes are Hard...

Imagine that!

What this guys needs is a good guild to play with! It would totally change his prospective on the game!

I was in the guild Gentlemen's Club on Korgath-US, and was a
member of the US first 10man Algalon kill, and world first Herald kill. I
quit at the end of WotLK and have not played WoW since.

Note the name of the Hunter on the right.
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  reiju Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:20

Pues el chaval sera un freak, vivirá para jugar... pero las razones que da están muy bien. Además me gusta el redactado XD
Verdugo de Coruscant
Verdugo de Coruscant

Juego : WoW
Clan : Recio
Antigüedad : 29/01/2009
Mensajes : 2311
Edad : 39

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Mensaje  Gaehrn Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:22

Proteo escribió:subo un 1 mas a tu +1....

Y yo necesito Macros!!!

Hay que darle tiempo que solo es la beta, no ha salido y ya poniendo pegas XD
Archiduque del Senado
Archiduque del Senado

Juego : StarCraft
Clan : Recios, no?
Jugando a Warframe y Heroes & Generals.
PJ principal : Gaehrn, Yenefer, Killand, Tsubaki
Antigüedad : 03/10/2007
Mensajes : 6693
Edad : 41

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:26

reiju escribió:Pues el chaval sera un freak, vivirá para jugar... pero las razones que da están muy bien. Además me gusta el redactado Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 685823

Pues por eso lo digo, que argumenta, parece ser, con conocimiento de causa, si bien puede ser que como bien le dicen, no sea el tipo de juego que el busca, de todas formas no tenemos que dejar de pensar que esto es una beta, no puede nadie pretender que tenga de salida todo lo que queremos... ojala escuchen a la litle people ^^
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:27

Ejem Gahern... XDDD
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Latok Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:32

Contra mas leo el post de este tio, mas ganas tengo de jugar, porque muchas de las cosas que se queja son las que me gustan del juego.

Sin contar la contidad de inconcruencias que dice, como que tiene que hacer misiones bonus de matar 135 tios porque sino la curva de leveo cae, y luego dice que ha pasado de cosas como el combate espacial, claro que cae.

De todas formas este es el tipico tio que realmente lo que quiere hacer es competir, es su modo de verlo y aqui ni lo ve.

El rift salio solo con una raid en el launch ahora tiene 4 o 5 y les va bastante bien, tengo amigos que estan ahi raideandolo y pasandoselo bien.

Si el peor defecto del swtor es que es mas parecido a un single player, pues genial siempre he querido disfrutar la experiencia de un singile player e inmersion jugandola con mis amigos.

En la epoca que este señor estaba en ulduar yo llevaba la mejor guild 10 de españa, reconocido en las tipicas webs de rankings y demas, de aquella epoca solo me guardo los amigos, como uno que vendra al swtor, el resto me da igual.

Prefiero 100 veces el poder echar nuestros ratos de rol en una historia que nos gusta, de pasarlo bien en una instance aunque muramos 50 veces, o seamos manco y no avancemos nada.

Al fin y al cabo un mmo a dia de hoy para mi es una forma de compartir tiempo con mis colegas, si encima el medio tiene algo que me gusta como su historia, pues genial

Espero que disfrute en el wow y su repeticion continua no de una cosa, sino de todo el juego
Verdugo de Coruscant
Verdugo de Coruscant

Juego : WoW
Clan : Soulcity
PJ principal : Cecile
Antigüedad : 18/03/2009
Mensajes : 2289
Edad : 48

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Mensaje  Fordo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:40

Eso es, más aún cuando se habla de temas tan modificables al madurar el juego, como la AI de los compis o si está o no equilibrado el PvP, o si el crafteo aun no va bien...

Personalmente he visto Betas en peores condiciones y más cerca de la salida definitiva del juego al mercado. Yo, repito, me llevo un buen sabor de boca.

Antigüedad : 26/11/2011
Mensajes : 210
Edad : 46

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Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:47

Si si, si yo estoy encantadisimo, pero me gusto como argumentaba, y tambien sirve un poco para bajar el "hype hype hurra!", a mi, lo que jugue, me lleno como hacia tiempo no me llenaba ningun juego. y esta claro que es una beta...

Yo quiero que los personajes se sienten en las sillas de los bares!!!!!!
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Latok Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:48

en los bares no se, pero en muchas sillas se sienta, porque lo he probado xD
Verdugo de Coruscant
Verdugo de Coruscant

Juego : WoW
Clan : Soulcity
PJ principal : Cecile
Antigüedad : 18/03/2009
Mensajes : 2289
Edad : 48

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Fordo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:51

Si es cierto que un trooper rudo de la muerte se siente en el sofá de la cantina como si fuera una señorita de picnic junto al Manzanares no queda muy bien jejeje...

Pero como esas cositas hay mil... Y volvemos a que son detalles estéticos como los bailes o emotes...

A medida que el juego madure ya veremos donde termina, el SWG se fuñe al garete para muchos de nosotros por hacer caso a quien no debía... Confiemos en que estos de Bioware no metan la pata en el mismo sitio...

Antigüedad : 26/11/2011
Mensajes : 210
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Proteo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:55

lo de las sillas lo he dicho al tun tun... de veras se sienta??? yo solo los he visto sentados en las cinematicas... y poco, con un solo dia para probarlo, como para entretenerme en hacer que se sentara o bailara el muñequito
Wall of Recios
Wall of Recios

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Nchtha zno ta. Fnrt pwusko vtulla pa....
PJ principal : Halios Geron
Antigüedad : 29/06/2008
Mensajes : 6376
Edad : 46

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Mensaje  Fordo Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:58

Solo lo he visto sentarse en condiciones en la nave, en el resto de asientos se sientan como si estuvieran recostados en el suelo, y la postura no les puede quedar más ridícula a tipos rudos.

Antigüedad : 26/11/2011
Mensajes : 210
Edad : 46

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Lukar Mar 29 Nov 2011, 21:59

Yo ademas añadiria que que en una beta no exista contenido high end no significa que no esté creado.

significa que alguien en Bioware tiene 2 dedos de luces y se ha guardado un as en la manga para la salida del juego y que haya algo nuevo para gente precisamente como ese chaval.
Degollador de JarJar
Degollador de JarJar

Juego : Diablo
Clan : Panda de c***nes ... digo... Recios ^^
PJ principal : The Tholme Legacy
Antigüedad : 31/03/2010
Mensajes : 1341
Edad : 42

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  hyuuga_shi Mar 29 Nov 2011, 22:09

hay una cosa que me hace gracia en los argumentos del tío:

repetitive quest system...

Vamos a ver, sí mucho dialogo tipo mass effect y tal... Vamos a ver, en el wow podías pasar del nivel 1 al 85 sin leer una sola quest, y en el SW puedes hacerlo pero salvo que se puedan saltar las escenas de diálogo lo veo chungo.

Me gustaría saber si ha leído alguna quest en su vida.
Tio cansino
Tio cansino

Clan : Recios
PJ principal : Silfid
Antigüedad : 09/06/2009
Mensajes : 4605
Edad : 44

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Urtoroth Miér 30 Nov 2011, 09:17

hyuuga_shi escribió:y en el SW puedes hacerlo pero salvo que se puedan saltar las escenas de diálogo lo veo chungo.

Prueba a darle a la barra espaciadora durante los diálogos, majete.

Otra cosa es q mole escuchar las voces, pero la segunda vez que Dairon y yo nos metimos en Esseless (se tuvo q ir a entrenar y ya ahi, el ultimo boss me puso calentito), pasábamos los diálogos como vendavales.

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Recios [RE]
PJ principal : Urtoroth Lobopálido
Antigüedad : 20/09/2007
Mensajes : 6370
Edad : 47

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Mensaje  hyuuga_shi Miér 30 Nov 2011, 09:29

Gracias urto, la verdad es que me molaba tanto que siempre he pasado de saltarme los diálogos, quería verlos todos.

Pero vamos que esto refuerza mi línea de pensamiento; ¿este tío ha visto una puta quest? yo creo que ha pasado matando todo bicho y haciendo px a lo máquina para llegar a nv50 en 2 días.
Tio cansino
Tio cansino

Clan : Recios
PJ principal : Silfid
Antigüedad : 09/06/2009
Mensajes : 4605
Edad : 44

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Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR - Página 2 Empty Re: Primeras impresiones sobre el tankeo en el SWtOR

Mensaje  Urtoroth Miér 30 Nov 2011, 09:35

hyuuga_shi escribió:Gracias urto, la verdad es que me molaba tanto que siempre he pasado de saltarme los diálogos, quería verlos todos.

Pero vamos que esto refuerza mi línea de pensamiento; ¿este tío ha visto una puta quest? yo creo que ha pasado matando todo bicho y haciendo px a lo máquina para llegar a nv50 en 2 días.

Ciertamente, la primera vez es la leche. A ver con los alters que tal nos sienta. En cuanto a los pr0s reciclaos del WoW, q se preocupan de subir a 85 y "na más", por mi se pueden quedar en el WoW, sinceramente.

Juego : Guild Wars 2
Clan : Recios [RE]
PJ principal : Urtoroth Lobopálido
Antigüedad : 20/09/2007
Mensajes : 6370
Edad : 47

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Contenido patrocinado

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