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Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion

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Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion Empty Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion

Mensaje  Latok Lun 02 Jul 2012, 17:32

Achievements – So pretty much every MMO these days has Achievements, this obviously isn’t a surprise that GW2 has them. Where Achievements differ in GW2 though is it’s an account-wide reward system. So you’ll gain them through things like killing mobs, playing mini-games around the world, mastering weapons, exploration, completing Personal Story stuff, crafting, etc. Most achievements have Tiers that increase in difficulty but also award you with more points as you complete them. Mainly you’ll be completing these for things like Titles and other cosmetic based items, none of it gives any player a gameplay advantage though. Some achievements will require you to use more than one character to complete, so rolling an alt is encouraged.

Following up on this ArenaNet has expanded on what we already knew about Achievements.

Achievements – Long-term goals that reward you with cosmetic items and titles.
Monthly Achievements – Mid-term goals that rotate out each month and reward you with gold and experience.
Daily Achievements – Short-term goals that reward you with gold and experience. Daily achievements have replaced Daily Feats.

Some achievements can be repeated and will add to your overall achievement point total, for example if you were to obtain the Dungeon Master achievement for completing every explorable dungeon in the game, any subsequent completing of a explorable dungeon will get you some more achievement points.

Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion 2011_June_hero_panel_%28achievements%29

Maps, Persistence, and Exploration – A lack of persistence is something that bothered people in GW1 so ANet knew that they needed a fully persistent world for GW2. GW2 takes place 250 years after GW1 in the same world of Tyria. There’s lots of places there you can easily recognize from GW1 and I’m really interested in seeing the world because of what I’ve seen in GW1. Even without that attachment, exploration is VERY much encouraged. The Map system in the game allows for you to pay a fee to quick travel to waypoints around the game world as long as you’ve been to them before. Exploration is important to GW2 for a multitude of reasons:

This is how you find content in the game.
This is how you obtain skill points so you can obtain more skills.
You get to explore an absolutely gorgeous world designed by the best art team in the industry (IMO of course).

Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion PiihB
Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion FlkiB

If you notice there, the area on the world map that is uncovered is the above partial bit of that zone there. Gives you an idea of the scale of the world.

Servers - Most MMOs have many servers and create very secluded communities with tons of people you’re very unlikely to ever play with. GW2 is doing things a bit differently by keeping the “Districts” concept from GW1, but this doesn’t mean everything is instanced. In fact it’s the complete opposite, “Worlds” or “Servers” will be entirely persistent as you’d expect from most other MMOs. Where this differs is say you’re on Server A and I’m on Server B, well I can just quickly and painlessly move from my server to yours with a simple click of the UI from within the game. These server transfers are completely FREE, you will pay no real money to do this. There is one small thing that must be noted, in order to prevent people from just switching to the server that wins WvWvW every 2 weeks, you’ll be unable to take part in WvWvW for an unknown amount of time after moving servers.

Another way to explain this is imagine you’re playing X MMO and every server that the game is currently running in the world was linked up to a central database. Within that any player could switch between any server at any time allowing you to play with ANYONE who’s playing the game. Imagine, you could form friendships and guilds on different servers all with the same character.

Elevation - As events start all around you, you’ll come across times where you might be at a different elevation level than said event. So you’ll get a little arrow indicator next to the event details in the tracker that shows if you’re above or below the event.

Activities - Every city will have activities that fit in with each unique style of a city. Activities will be games in which you can play at any level as they put everyone on an even footing. Some activities are "hot-joinable" others require you to wait in a queue. Winning activities will net you rewards such as rare skins for armor or weapons. There's about 30 activities in game currently.

Here's the ones we know:

Bar brawl
Keg Brawl
Shooting gallery
Smash ‘Em Up
Snowball fight

Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion 2010_May_Carnival

Extended Experience – So not only will you be able to take care of your BLTC affairs while not in game, you can also go as far as to see a real time version of the game map showing you Dynamic Events as they happen, you can see where your guildies are and even chat with them. ArenaNet is building a database and architecture that will allow you to view any person’s character sheet in the game, you’ll be able to check up on gear, stats, items, where the items came from, and even Personal Story elements. Mobile users will be able to even ping the minimap to help out newer players if they’re having trouble finding their way around. All of this will be available to users through the web and Mobile devices.

Microtransactions – So this is always something that people tend to be up in arms about and rightfully so. I tend to personally hate the microtransaction models most companies use, however after having played GW1 ArenaNet has made me a believer in their policies. I fully believe GW2 will handle MTs like GW1 does; you will never be able to buy something that gives you an advantage over another player. Things that you will see are cosmetic in nature, stuff like new costumes, more character slots, and maybe more bank storage depending on how they set that up.

Super guia - Logros, Mapas y Ambientacion MT2jH

Gems - Gems are the currency used to purchase things in the in-game store, they can be obtained via two ways. First is by using real money and purchasing some Gems through ArenaNet. The second way is to use the in-game Trading Post by buying Gems via Gold. This system cuts out illegal farming and gives money directly to ANet as well as allows people who don't have or don't want to spend real money on microtransactions to do so through obtaining Gold through normal play.

Skip to 12:56 in the video

Hall of Monuments - Earn special Guild Wars 2 rewards based on your achievements in the original Guild Wars and Guild Wars: Eye of the North. [URL=""]Hall of Monuments[/URL]

Music & Sound Design
- One of the key features is the ability to tie any audio cue (including music) to our game’s dynamic event system. For example, if a fort comes under attack by centaurs, you might hear the music change to increase the tension of the situation. Even beyond this, the music system will work intelligently whenever you’re out in the world. By analyzing nearby friends and enemies and keeping track of what everyone is doing, it tries to gauge what’s happening in the world, and will switch up soundtracks accordingly, while still trying not to make the transitions too frequent or jarring

Finally, no matter how fantastic a game’s music is, when you hear the same music for the thousandth time, you start wanting to change things up a bit. Many players will simply turn the game music off and play their own collections. The problem is that an external music player has no context as to what’s going on in-game. Guild Wars 2 will offer a solution for this as well. We’re giving players the option of choosing external music playlists that the game’s audio engine will use as a replacement for the default in-game music. Players can choose different playlists for background ambience and battle music, for instance. Additionally, when appropriate, such as during cinematics, the game can revert back to in-game music temporarily to give the best possible cinematic experience, then resume the custom playlist when it’s done.

We’re creating a gigantic world, and we want it to be filled with the sounds you’d expect in a living, breathing environment. The sheer quantity of sounds required is staggering. Every single critter in the game, from chickens running around underfoot to a huge creaking Oakheart trudging through the snow will have a complete and unique set of sounds. When a warrior in full plate mail runs by, he will sound very different than an elementalist in her cloth armor. In Guild Wars 2, much of the natural ambience of the world actually comes from the creatures, characters, and players all around you. You’ll hear frogs croaking as you approach the edge of a river, but perhaps only in the early evening hours. The world ambience shifts and changes over the course of the day instead of simply playing repetitive loops.

Voice Acting - A small tidbit I forgot here, there's about 60 feature films worth of dialogue recorded for the game.

Jeremy Soule– Last but certainly not least, this man is the John Williams of video game music. You know him from games such as:

• Guild Wars Trilogy
• Neverwinter Nights
• KOTOR 1 & 2
• Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim
• Icewind Dale
• Company of Heroes Series
Verdugo de Coruscant
Verdugo de Coruscant

Juego : WoW
Clan : Soulcity
PJ principal : Cecile
Antigüedad : 18/03/2009
Mensajes : 2289
Edad : 49

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